Company Overview

Newspaper that lights the way to information

With the unnegotiable mission of sound journalism, Maeil Shinmun has been with the readers in times of hardship and adversity, and moments of joy and excitement. As the sound journalism for the people and the newspaper speaking out for the region, we’ll become the light for the region with new resolution and intension.

Company Overview

Company Name The Maeil Shinmun Co., Ltd.
Foundation Date March 1, 1946
Anniversary of Foundation July 7 (July 7, 1960 - Changed the Name from Daegu Maeil Shinmun to Maeil Shinmun) (71st Anniversary in 2017)
Website Address
Type Morning Newspaper
Current CEO 16th CEO : Sang-Taek Lee (February 22, 2018 ~ Present)
Slogan We will become the light of the people with our passion and love.
System Large Board Horizontal Writing 15 Lines for both Korean and Chinese Characters (Weekly Published Pages : Up to 200 Pages as a Local Newspaper)
Printing Method Offset (CTS) Printing
News Exchanging Foreign Newspaper & Magazine Ningbo Daily of China
Administered Regions (Cities) Seoul, Sejong, Gumi, Dalseong, Seongju, Goryeong, Chilgok, Gimcheon, Pohang, Gyeongju, Cheongdo, Gyeongsan, Yeongcheon, Uljin, Yeongdeok, Andong, Cheongsong, Yeongyang, Euiseong, Gunwi, Mungyeong, Sangju, Yeongju, Bonghwa, Yecheon, Busan, Changnyeong, Hapcheon, Geochang, Milyang
Domestic Distributing Network 245 Branches (105 Locations in Daegu, 130 Locations in Gyeongju, 10 Locations in Seoul/Busan/Gyeongnam/Gapan)
Affiliated Companies Maeil Ad Co., Ltd. & Maeil P&I Co., Ltd.

Coverage Network


Seoul, Sejong, Gumi, Dalseong, Seongju, Goryeong, Chilgok, Gimcheon, Pohang, Gyeongju, Cheongdo, Gyeongsan, Yeongcheon, Uljin, Andong, Cheongsong, Yeongyang, Euiseong, Gunwi, Mungyeong, Sangju, Yeongju, Bonghwa, Yecheon, Busan, Hapcheon, Geochang, Milyang

The coverage network of Maeil Shinmun represent local interest through its close connection from the Seoul Branch that covers from the Blue House, the National Assembly, and the Sejong General Government Complex to the main offices of Central, Eastern, and Southern Regions and each cities and counties. Moreover, Maeil Shinmun reports Korea’s major news more accurately and quickly with the nationwide network consisted of 9 member companies of Korea Regional Newspaper Association.

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